I’m Semi Yang, fashion image maker based in Paris.
I’m originally from Seoul, South Korea but background
Hence I identify myself as a Third Culture Kid -
someone who was raised in a culture other than their parents' or the culture of their own.
This idea of being a third culture kid influenced me on how i percieve images and informations
as I understand and experienced diverse pop culture / sub culture of different region and
how these cultures correlate with one another.
After studying Fashion Design and Photography in Hong Kong and USA,
I worked as a freelance photographer and a producer to create contents for fashion and lifestyle brands in Paris.
Then I have decided to expand my artistic world and grow as an art director
by joining a master program of Fashion Image in Institut Français de la Mode in Paris, France.
Currently I am looking for 6 months internship to validate my degree
and I am always reachable for a creative project!